Hypothyroid Hair Loss Tip #4 of 7 – Nutrient Deficiency
Hypothyroid Hair Loss Tip#4 of 7Could your hair loss be due to nutrient deficiency? Join Dr. Shook in this 7 part thyroid, hair loss series. ​We understand that thyroid problems are complicated and that is why Dr. Shook has created several resources so that you can be your own advocate and take your health back!Dr. Shook created “The 6 Week Hashimoto’s Transformation Program” to help people figure out the diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation they need, and do it with a built-in support group. This is a clinically tested program that we can help people get their health back. If you want to learn more click here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/auto-webinar-registrationwhq2lzrf You may want to begin with Dr. Shook’s lab guide, “9 Tests Required to Understand Your Thyroid,” and take a look at a a few of the resources below: 1) HAIR LOSS "How Can I Prevent Hair Loss With Hashimoto's?" https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-guide-plus-hostin g-feeqht…2) THYROID LABS "9 Tests Required To Understand Your Thyroid" https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-book-pageqpuqvcr1More... FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTS **As of 2016, Dr. Shook is offering 1, 15-minute consultation per day at no charge. These consultations are provided to help you best determine options to consider, and they are offered as a coaching service that is free. No doctor-patient relationship is established; the consult is informational in nature. Click below to request a free 15-minute consult with Dr. Shook:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/15-min-consult-requestisf8ol5u $20 FOR THYROiD ANTIBODY LABS **If you would like to get your thyroid antibodies (TPOab and TGab) checked, you can complete the form online:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/antibodies-order-form6yld3ebm INTEREST IN MAKING AN APPOINTMENT **If you would like to learn more about becoming a patient or distance consulting client of our office, you can learn more here: https://drbradshook.com/new-patient-center/ You can also learn more on Dr. Shook's Facebook page at The Office of Dr. Brad Shook https://www.facebook.com/drbradshook/?fref=ts. You can also visit his practice website at www.DrBradShook.com.You can read the transcript of this video below: 7 Tips To Prevent Hair Loss - Tip #4 of 7, Nutrient Deficiency Hi everyone. Dr. Shook here and this is tip number four of our seven part video series on how to prevent hair loss with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. Let's get right to it. Tip number four is are you getting enough of these essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that you need? Now we can finally start talking about taking a supplement or taking something or getting nutrients that we may be deficient in. Everything that I've talked about up to this point is absolutely more foundational. Our previous three tips are more foundational than the vitamins. This is typically where everyone's starting because this is all they know. This is what they think. They think, "Well, my hair's not growing. Maybe I'm deficient in biotin or some kind of vitamin." Let me share with you some great information on the vitamins that are essential. Before we typically do this with someone, one of the things that I like to do is get a nutritional evaluation to determine the exact needs of that unique individual because everyone's going to have a different demand for nutrients and vitamins. I like to do some testing to give us some quantitative information so that we can make sure we're giving you enough of the nutrients that you need. Here are a few vitamins and minerals that are extremely important for hair growth. Number one is biotin. Biotin's one that we hear about all the time. Number two is zinc. Number three is magnesium. Number four is a questionable, it's an important one but I don't recommend supplementing with this unless you're supplementing with selenium and if it's a low dose. I don't recommend high dose supplementation of iodine. Iodine's known to be a trigger for Hashimoto's. It is something that I think is a very potentially dangerous mineral nutrient to supplement with because what you're going to find with iodine is that it can ... In population studies they found that it triggered Hashimoto's or that there was an increased incident rate of Hashimoto's. In other countries other than the US the number one cause of hypothyroidism is actually an iodine deficiency. What they do in those countries is, like China, there was a Sri Lanka study as well, they're numerous, they iodized the salt or their food supply. They put iodine into the foods to help with the iodine deficiency and yet they did see a decrease in hypothyroidism but they saw and increase in autoimmune thyroiditis, so it increased Hashimoto's. It was a trigger. There's some things that have to be there. You don't want to be deficient in selenium when you're taking it. I don't recommend taking it in any greater dose than you would get in a multivitamin and sometimes there's some research that actually shows that if you restrict iodine that you can actually help Hashimoto's so that it can be beneficial. I'll just say that iodine is one that it's required but I'm extremely cautious with it. The next thing is B12 and you need essential fatty acids. You need things like fish oil, evening primrose, those are very important for hair growth, for your hormones production. Then, you need iron. Those are the most critical and important vitamins that I know that you need for hair growth, that I think are the most important. But remember, if you can't absorb them, if you can't get them to the hair follicle, then it doesn't matter if you're taking them. There are some things that are more foundational and I cover those on the other videos, but I just wanted to share with you guys the essential vitamins and minerals that you need for hair growth. This is tip number four on how to prevent hair loss with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. If you'd like to get our 28-page guidebook where I go into all this in great detail, I talk about the problem, I talk about potential testing that we can do, I go through testing results, and then I give you some ideas on how you might want to approach it, if …