What are the top symptoms of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's? Brain fog Fatigue Did you know that these symptoms are also indicators of cognitive decline? Did you know that 36 driving factors have ...
Connect on Facebook Share What are the top symptoms of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s? Brain fog Fatigue Did you know that these symptoms are also indicators of cognitive decline? Did you know that 36 driving factors have been identified as promoters of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline? Why is this important? Because poor thyroid hormone physiology and quantity are one of the 36 driving factors of cognitive decline Alzheimer’s disease. 6 sub types of Alzheimers have been identified, and type-2 Alzheimer’s is called by poor nutrient and hormone status… That means thyroid hormone too. I’ve recently completed training in reversing cognitive decline through Dale bredesen who is a research neurologist that has been studying and identifying these processes for over 30 years. He has reversed cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease using an approach that identifies these factors and puts together a plan to address the specific needs of the individual. Today at [5:30] I’m going to be presenting this information. If you would like to join me click here to join our group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/alzhelp/