cure hashimoto's naturally

A follow-up to my post on hormone replacement therapy and cancer. How you can get testing and help.

A follow-up to my post on hormone replacement therapy and cancer.

How you can get testing and help.

  1. Salena Waugh Reply


  2. Anita Cabrie Reply

    Does the same apply if you’ve had a full hysterectomy and are not producing any estrogen?

  3. Salena Waugh Reply

    I am on bio identical hormone replacement….testosterone and estradiol and progesterone. Should I be concerned? Also DHEA is at 273

  4. Tracy Laws Reply

    This is all So Scary…. And it’s so hard for us to Navigate I wasn’t expecting Premature Ovarian Failure by 40 …. So all we can do is go by what our doctors are telling us.

  5. The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

    Here’s a link to learn more about a strategy session hashimotosdoctor.com/ss

  6. Terri Lohmann Reply
  7. Bridget Mullins Reply

    Great I’m progesterone not estrogen have a hx breast cax2 not on anything else on progesterone bc of hashi

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