cure hashimoto's naturally

Allergies and Hashimoto’s – Target allergies at the source when you have Hashimoto’s

Allergies and Hashimoto’s – Target allergies at the source when you have Hashimoto’s

Allergies and Hashimoto'sLet’s talk about how allergies and Hashimoto’s are related. The change of season almost always brings on some round of illness or allergic reaction, even if you are the toughest person out there. We all too easily turn to the quick fix drugs to get through these periods, but an alternative option exists that doesn’t leave you feeling like a medicated zombie: healing your gut and balancing your immune system naturally. If you struggle with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, this option also assists in the management of this.

Your digestive tract and sinuses are actually quite similar, as both serve as a primary defense for your bodily contact with the external environment. The digestive tract is central to the immune system, and usually, allergies can be related to gut health. This sentiment also applies for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

A very common digestive tract affliction and link to allergies is known as leaky gut; or in more scientific terms, intestinal permeability. Although quite more complicated in reality, the condition is as it sounds – the tissue of the small intestine can become damaged, inflamed, and “leaky”. This allows the passage of unwanted bacteria, yeasts, undigested foods and various toxins into the bloodstream.

Your body is equipped to manage these leakages; your immune system will attack and manage these leakages. However, a result of this is an unbalanced concentration of autoimmune cells that can trigger or exacerbate seasonal allergies and autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s.

Seasonal allergies are common, but inflammatory disorders such as joint pain, skin problems, digestive complaints, autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism all come into play. Issues regarding brain function, fatigue, chronic pain and many more can also affect people.

How can you identify leaky gut? There are times that you cannot, as you may not experience digestive issues.

However, leaky gut can result in bloating, gas, heartburn, general pain, or bowel issues such as diarrhea and constipation. Further correlations lie between leaky gut and skin problems, joint pain, brain fog, and sinus symptoms. A good example is in people who experience some of these issues when they eat a particular food. It is always a smart option to investigate leaky gut if you suffer from season allergies and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

Causes of Leaky Gut

Leaky gut, the weakening of the lining in your small intestine, can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, certain medications, and chronic stress.

One of the major factors in leaky gut however, is gluten. For sufferers of this, abstinence from gluten may allow time for the gut to heal, and subsequently relieve significant allergy symptoms. Gluten has also been identified in studies as being linked with Hashimoto’s.

Unfortunately, persistence of leaky gut digestive conditions can lead to intolerances to certain foods and food allergies. In this instance, you need to eliminate dietary items such as dairy, eggs, soy, or some grains. An excellent strategy for relief from these symptoms is an anti-inflammatory diet. Ask my office regarding a screening for any food sensitivities.

Gut Bacteria Imbalances and Seasonal Allergies

There are a significant number of bacteria living within our digestive tract at any given moment. These bacteria are vastly important for immune health, digestion, and even respiratory and sinus wellbeing. Bacteria also line the sinuses and respiratory tract – they are integral to a number of physiological functions. However, these bacteria are sensitive to poor diet and lifestyle stressors, which can result in “bad” bacteria dominating your system. This may directly lead to infection, leaky gut, and further autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s. Probiotics and fermented foods are a good option to repopulate the right bacteria into your system.

Target your Gut to Target Allergies

You can fix most any digestive issues, and particularly leaky gut, by making correct lifestyle and diet choices. It is important to avoid processed foods, simple sugars, and junk foods. Whole foods and vegetables are the cornerstone of a good diet, and will help to maintain your digestive system with good bacteria.

Some supplements and nutritional compounds provide a great boost for alleviating symptoms and facilitating the repair of your digestive tract. This can further calm inflammation of the sinuses and respiratory system.

Seasonal allergies are your body telling you that it’s not quite coping with the stressors acting on it. By focusing on the baseline principles and what your body really needs, you can prevent something small snowballing into more serious conditions such as autoimmune, neurological, depression or anxiety.

Please contact my office for more information regarding causes of seasonal allergies and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. You can reach us at (828) 324-0800.

Dr. Shook has psoriasis and Hashimoto's disease and has trained extensively in functional medicine, epigenetics, and human performance optimization. DrBradShook.com is a resource to help people with Hashimoto's disease, thyroid dysfunction, and other autoimmune conditions learn more about how they can complement their current medical care and support their thyroid and autoimmunity naturally.

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