cure hashimoto's naturally

Alzheiemr’s and Your Thyroid

Do you have Alzheimer’s in your family?

Do your genetics put you at risk for Alzheimer’s? (ApoE4 status)

Do you have brain fog or problems with memory?

Did you know you can’t treat Alzheimer’s the same in every person because there are multiple causes of the same pathological process?

You must create an individualized plan that addresses the SPECIFIC causes of the individual’s cognitive decline… everyone is different.

One size fits all does not work for this problem.

You can learn the individualized approach I take when working with clients across the US and in other countries by watching my presentation on “Reversing Cognitive Decline” here in our Alzheimer’s Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alzhelp

  1. Mark Hibbs Reply

    Nan had it

  2. Jane Collar Reply

    Thank you

  3. Jennifer Poulson-Shreeve Reply

    Kelly McIntosh Lombardi

  4. Jennifer Poulson-Shreeve Reply

    Dawn Hoyle Redding

  5. Ronnie Bookout Reply

    Sadly 23andMe let me down. Unable to process my sample twice now.

  6. Beth Standard-Gartner Reply

    I have no thyroid and a hysterectomy and the ONLY hormone test my primary doc will run is TSH. And he refuses to run any of your suggested thyroid tests, accept TSH. ??????

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hey Beth. Sorry you are having these problems. Doctors practiceing in the conventional medical model can’t order tests that are not “medically necessary” or they can be fined, and even accused of fraud.

      Doctors and healthcare providers care, but many don’t have training in this type of approach, so that don’t understand the value of the test, or how to use the data in a way that would help you… plus, the insurance companies have a contract that makes them follow guidelines to ordering tests based on “medical necessity.”

      Unfortunately, you will have to pay for those tests out of your pocket until the healthcare system changes.

      • Beth Standard-Gartner

        Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am a retired disabled nurse, my husband died and I live on disability so funds are not available for these kind of extra out of pocket testing. But thank you for helping those that can afford it.

  7. Beth Standard-Gartner Reply

    This has been since 2000, never had hormones accept TSH run. Make sense?? Not to me!

  8. Jennifer Poulson-Shreeve Reply

    Thank you very much!! Your suggestions for diet, supplements and exercise have made a HUGE difference already! I am sleeping at night and I feel amazing! Thank you so much!!!

  9. Cathy Hilbert Pittinger Kurtz Reply
  10. Karen Brown Reply


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