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Boost Memory Loss Prevention with Leafy Greens

Boost Memory Loss Prevention with Leafy Greens

To Boost Memory Loss Prevention There Are Key Considerations

Boost Memory Loss PreventionMemory loss prevention are on the forefront of everyone’s mind (no pun intended.) Dementia and memory loss are very real conditions that can affect anyone, often quite abruptly. One in three seniors dies of Alzheimer’s or dementia, while Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. However, strong lifestyle and dietary choices can aid in preventing dementia – in particular, a varied selection of greens in your diet will boost this dramatically.

Spinach, kale, collards and mustard greens have been identified as effective in slowing cognitive decline. Vitamin K is an important aspect of neural function, and these vegetables are rich in this, which new research suggests is the driving force behind the preventative effects.

A recent study included approximately 1,000 senior adults over a five-year period, isolating the effects of leafy green vegetables on cognitive decline. They observed an inverse relationship, which tells us a reduction in cognitive decline with more leafy greens.

Interestingly, they observed a relationship between elders eating just one or two servings of leafy greens per day with cognitive ability of someone 11 years younger!

While vitamin K is the important player in these vegetables, lutein and beta-carotene also carry effect. Brightly colored vegetables often indicate a high content of beneficial vitamins.

More Benefits than Just Vitamins – Leafy Greens Boost Gut Health – Memory Loss Prevention

The benefits of leafy greens don’t end with vitamins.

Dietary fiber, and especially plant fiber, is great for your gut – and leafy greens are in abundance of this. Dietary fiber reduces constipation while supporting the populations of good bacteria in your digestive tract. Plant fiber also provides a more beneficial complex of gut bacteria compared to other sources of fiber typical of a western diet.

Furthermore, the link between beneficial gut bacteria and neurological function is becoming increasingly evident in new studies. One such example is in the direct relationship between good gut bacteria and the structure of the blood-brain barrier, which is the lining that protects the brain.

These gut bacteria are also observed to influence depression, anxiety, learning and memory issues. They influence these conditions via communications between the brain and the gut along the vagus nerve, a large nerve cord that connects the brain and organs.

Eating Greens as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle for Memory Loss Prevention

An important factor to consider relating to these studies is that people who include leafy greens in their diet will tend to favor a healthier lifestyle. If you spend the time shopping for whole foods and preparing vegetables on a day-to-day basis, generally you will have a more health conscious perspective and avoid junk foods and sugars that promote dementia.

Exercise for Maximization of Preventative Measures against Alzheimer’s and Dementia for Memory Loss Prevention

Healthy eating and exercise often go hand-in-hand, even if it’s casual walking or some light aerobics throughout the week. Exercise is the true winner with respect to mental health – both strength training and cardio ensure better blood flow to the brain and maintenance of neurons.

One particular study that included over 600 elderly people (over 70 years of age) found a strong correlation between amount of physical exercise and reduction in brain shrinkage.

A separate study observed an increase in brain volume in the section related to learning and memory with just three walks per week of 30 to 45 minutes.

The evidence is clear that eating green vegetables is an excellent strategy for promoting brain (and gut) health. However if you exercise daily while maintaining this diet, you will drastically increase your preventative capacity for Alzheimer’s. Keeping in mind that there is no cure for dementia and memory loss afflictions, the best approach is through prevention.

Contact my office for more information regarding prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s. We use the latest scientific research in Functional Medicine to prevent and work to improve degenerative diseases of the brain like Alzheimer’s and dementia. You can contact our office at (828) 324-0800 for an in office appointment, video conference appointment or for an appointment via phone. Have a wonderful day.

Dr. Shook has psoriasis and Hashimoto's disease and has trained extensively in functional medicine, epigenetics, and human performance optimization. DrBradShook.com is a resource to help people with Hashimoto's disease, thyroid dysfunction, and other autoimmune conditions learn more about how they can complement their current medical care and support their thyroid and autoimmunity naturally.
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