cure hashimoto's naturally

Do You Feel Better Because of Increased Thyroid Hormone Levels…

Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing

Do You Feel Better Because of Increased Thyroid Hormone Levels, or Because of The Antiinflammatory Impact of Thyroid Hormones?

Why do a lot of people have a “Honeymoon” period where they feel great taking a thyroid hormone, but then it seems to stop working?

Could it be the anti-inflammatory impact of thyroid hormones that has worn off?

Is your doctor going to miss this and think that the answer is just to prescribe a higher dose?

  1. Dawn Maclean Reply

    So, should we take thyroid hormone based only on TSH test results or symptoms?

  2. Stephanie Loomis Reply

    What can I do about hair loss? Please help

  3. Suzanne Lockett Reply

    I think I had that! I’m off sugar now. Nothing white. It seems to help my symptoms to stay on a ketogenic diet. It’s hard to maintain though. One day at a time.

  4. Lana Duncan Reply

    I feel like crap when I take levothyroxin compared to when I don’t. I wish I had a honeymoon period

  5. Jessica S Atwood Reply

    Thank you for sharing so much useful info! Your videos give me hope that I will feel better one day. You have given me more hope with your videos than any conventional doctor has in the past 3 years. Thank you for caring and wanting to learn about thyroid issues. You are a breath of fresh air compared to the robotic and apathetic endos that I have seen in the past few years.

  6. Michelle Gilder Reply

    I’m sorry but the 52 year old mum in me can’t cope with the hoody and nose wiping.
    My 24yo son isn’t allowed in the house with his hood up. I can’t take this.
    I had so much respect ….

  7. Betsy Bodin Reply

    Please post link to 9 Thyroid Labs to understand that you mentioned in this video.

  8. Michelle Strauss Marchio Reply

    Yep, didnt last long. Been gluten free since April – thats when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s — I still have no energy. I just started walking (yesterday) in the morning (treadmill). Alternating days. Was going to the gym for last 2 years and haven’t lost anything. No matter what I do my weight stays. Was once diagnosed with metabolic syndrome x. Why wont this weight move???

  9. Jennifer Letner Cooper Reply

    15-16 years ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. They did the radioactive iodine treatment and then I was hypo. I have been taking synthroid or levoxyl for 15 years. About the last 5 years I have felt pretty bad. I feel like I’ve got arthritis throughout my body. Mostly in my hands and feet. My tests say that I don’t have RA. I had a neurologist tell me that he feels I have a thyroid problem. All of my tests come back normal. Although the last year I have fluctuated in tsh levels. I went up to 175mcg of synthroid and now I’m back down to 112mcg. I feel like I’m super low. My tests say I’m normal. I did a strict gluten free diet for 30 days. There was no difference. We were able to rule out celiac disease. I have a hard time losing weight. I’m curious if this sounds like thyroid problems? If so, what are my next steps? I’ve been to 2 different endocrinologists. You get to the point that you stop caring and will just live with the way you feel. Then I see your videos haha! They intrigue me.

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