What is Leaky Brain?
There is a connection to brain degeneration?
It all starts with understanding that there is a _. _. _.
This is Very Similar To Leaky Gut…
This is A Proposed Pathway To Developing Alzheimer’s Disease.��The question we have to ask is WHY?
We take a science-based approach using a proven 3 step system… D.R.R.
If you need help, reach out to us and we will do our best for you.
To work with Dr. Shook visit one of two pages…
GO here if you ALSO have a thyroid or autoimmune problem: New.ThyroidConsult.Com
GO here is you are concerned about brain health, have a family member with dementia or Alzheimer’s, or if you carry the APOE4 genetic variant:
I hope this helps you, and that you have a wonderful day!
Warm regards. [Recorded Live]
No I didn’t know about BBB
Wish I lived closer to you. 🙁 Watch from Michigan.
Stacey, I work with people across the US. If you need help, I should be able to help you.
Unfortunately I can’t afford you but my mom can. They just gave her the patch and said “nothing else we can do.” Will talk to her. Just don’t believe there is nothing that can be done.
Stacey, I’m sorry. If you would be willing to follow one of my programs, I will give it to you. Just let me know. Warm regards.
I wish you would write a book that maps out the steps to good health/improve cognitive issues and degenerative diseases. So many of us watch you but we are sick, most of us already experiencing this cognitive decline. I can barely retain information. I write so much down but I don’t know how to put it all together to get myself well.
I just wish MORE Dr’s were like him
Greatly appreciate all your hard work to educate us and provide us with the tools needed to improve our life to a healthier one
Me from Belgium
Cheddad Nourdin