cure hashimoto's naturally

Hashimoto’s and the Functional vs. Conventional Approach

Did you know that the only tool conventional medicine has to help your Hashimoto’s is thyroid hormone replacement? They mean well, but the model is limited, and ignores the cause of the problem, autoimmunity. Do you want to know another way?

Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing

  1. Staff DrShook Reply

    Most people don’t know that conventional medicine ignores the autoimmunity.

  2. Staff DrShook Reply

    If you aren’t aware that we host a support group on facebook, you can join it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HickoryThyroid/ THere are over 5000 in the group, come join us!

  3. Kat Vazquez Reply

    How do I approach my endocrinologist so that I dont come out looking like I know more than she does? What should I ask her to start checking and how should I word it?

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi Kat, that is a great question that I haven’t figured out. It starts with the doctor’s attitude, they have to be willing to hear you out and learn. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t have the time, training or desire to try and change their routine. What I am seeing is that this type of care is a new speciality on its own. Endocrinologists and primary care doctors can’t fill this gap in healthcare becasue their system of care does not support it, train them in it, or reimburse them for it. I wish I could give you some advice on how to work with your doctor, but really it starts with them being willing to be open to something other than medication as an answer. If you need help I work with people across the US and in other countries via Skype, facetime and phone. Hope the helps.

      • Kat Vazquez

        Thank you, Dr. Shook. Will give it a try. I would definitely like to work with you if possible!!

      • Melisa Moreland

        How does a person talk with u Dr. Brad shook ,cuz I need help

  4. Julie Ann Patterson Reply

    Do you help treat SIBO with the Hashitmoto’s? Also, I was just diagnosed with MTHFR. I think probably my problems started with the MTHFR. I also have toxic levels of some heavy metals.

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi, Julie. Yes, I work with those problems in combination with Hashimoto’s on a regular basis. If you need help, just let me know. Have a great day.

  5. Latania Kennard Reply

    I just want to say thank you for all the information you are putting out on social media about the complexities of Hashimoto’s. It is commendable that you take time to do this and in a way that a non-medical person can follow. I’m 2 years in to this journey and learnt quickly that conventional medicine would at times leave me feeling ill and abandoned. Thank you for pulling all my own learnings together so eloquently and giving your time to do that. Feeling encouraged here in the UK.

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      You are welcome and thank you for the kinds words. I am going to be live on Facebook three times per day during September, so there will be a lot more learning opportunities. Have a nice day.

  6. Celeste Davis Reply

    Your so knowledgeable I really need to make an appointment with u. I’m in Houston tx

  7. Jenn Ayres Reply

    I had my thyroid removed in May bc it was so large it was causing problems for me swallowing my food and breathing at night. Thyroid itself was 2-3 times the normal size and I had multiple large nodules within it. Just a few weeks ago at a follow up wig endocrinologist they told me my pathology report indicated I had hashimotos. I had my thyroid levels tested multiple times and all were normal. And yes I had the immunity tests and t3, t4. Scary to me now bc she says the hashimotos opens me up to other autoimmune conditions. If I had know I was hashimotos could I have done something to reverse the condition and “shrink” the thyroid or was the damage already done? Also, can I be doing something to identify my autoimmune triggers to avoid future problems??

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi, Jennifer. I’m sorry that you have been through so much. It ‘s hard to know if the size of the thyroid could have been reduced. True goiters can’t be reduced, but many times inflammation due to Hashimoto’s (swelling) can decrease and will come and go. And yes, expanded autoimmunity occurs in 52% of people with one autoimmune condition so it is absolutely something to be aware of. You can and should work on identifying the causes of your autoimmunity so that you can try to dampen it tissue destruction and expansion. This is a good video I recommend you watch: https://www.facebook.com/drbradshook/videos/1739646049607810/ Hope this helps you! Have a nice day.

      • Jenn Ayres

        Thank you for getting back to me! How do I start figuring this out? Just talk to my endocrinologist??

      • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook

        Jennifer, it is possible, but I have yet to meet someone that has had an endocrinologist help them identify the drivers of autoimmunity and put together a plan to help improve their health naturally. The main reason is because there is not drug to prescribe, so they don’t have any tools to help you with it. The other issue is training, they aren’t taught this approach to autoimmunity in school, and neither was I, it is all post graduate studies and working on helping myself and my family. The last issue is that this type of care is not considered “medically necessary” under insurance policies, so they will not cover it, and most doctors will not even consider it, or talk to you about it if that is the case, and that is sad because they let insurance dictate care. It’s really not the doctor’s fault, they are in a system that has changed and is becoming something they never dreamed of being part of. I don’t practice that way. I work with people across the US and in other countries to investigate the drivers of their autoimmunity and support improving their health. If I can help you, just let me know. I do free 15 min consultations and I work with people doing distance consulting via skype, facetime and phone. We can get testing throughout the US, and can order advanced diagnostic testing to investigate the autoimmunity and other drivers of poor or declining health too. If you need anything, just ask. Hope this helps.

  8. Cathy Ratliff Richards Reply

    Sure wish you had office near me

  9. Julie Sexton Lowe Reply

    I have had Hoshimoto’s a few times and i also have two other auto immune disorders RA and SLE and i have had a tumor and one half of my thyroid removed but i still find myself tired and now i have heart problems. The question i have is can my two leaking heart valves and Afib be all linked?

  10. Holly Paplow Reply

    I have a question. I had my thyroid removed 7 years ago. I have had headaches every day since and weekly . migraines. I have asked 4 different endos about this and they say it is not related. I know it is, but don’t know what to do. I have Kaiser and all the doctors say the same thing.

  11. Shannon Petrak Reply

    Oh my goodness I feel like a million bucks! It was a process but I feel great and am now losing weight! Thank you so much.

  12. Shannon Petrak Reply

    My foods were eggs and broccoli, strange and so unexpected

  13. Lisa Mill Reply

    What did you do Shannon?

  14. Janet Harkness Reply

    Is there a big percentage of migraines related with hashimotos patients?

    • Marc Johnson Reply

      I give me a migraine

      • Janet Harkness

        You are a migraine you boob

      • Karla Keaton Stiffler

        I had migraines daily until I went gluten free, within 3 days they were gone. It’s so bizarre to me that for 10 years no doctor ever mentioned that I should be gf for hashimoto’s .

  15. Tanya Truehart Reply

    I haven’t felt good in years I can barely in get off the couch anymore-im 42 and my quality of life is gone. Been on levo for years and no change I just get worse, my hair is falling out, my skin is awful, I have a hard pot belly, no matter what I eat or drink I look pregnant after consuming anything, and the extreme sensitivity to heat is awful plus my moods are all over the place and the brain fog gets worse and worse. I’ve gone to doctor after doctor and Im Tired no one really seems to care or seems to know what to do I hear your levels are fine, but I know I am not. so I’ve given up as well

  16. Tanya Truehart Reply

    I need help badly im sick and tired of being sick and tired I need someone willing to get to the bottom of my hypo and help me get better o can’t live like this anymore

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