cure hashimoto's naturally

Hashimoto’s and Thyroid Antibodies

Hashimoto’s and Thyroid Antibodies. Follow me on SnapChat for a behind the scenes look and for the best information I don’t share anywhere else! https://www.snapchat.com/add/bradshook

Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing

  1. Staff DrShook Reply

    Get Your Thyroid Antibodies Checked for $20: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/antibodies-order-form6yld3ebm

  2. Staff DrShook Reply

    Theses are the tests Dr. Shook recommends you get at a minimum to evaluate your thyroid function… https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-book-pageqpuqvcr1

  3. Mark Hibbs Reply

    Brad can I take ldn for tpo antibodies

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Mark, I have had patients in the past that were taking LDN, it helped some, others it didn’t. The main goal of LDN is to boost regulatory T-Cell function and help to better regulate the immune system. A lot of things can be done to improve immune system regulatory function other than LDN, like optimizing Vit D levels, taking glutathione, getting adequate essential fatty acids, laughter, turmeric/resveratrol combination, and getting adequate sleep are a few. Not saying LDN isn;t a valuable tool, I think it is, but there are other things that can and need to be done to try and address the autoimmunity. Supplements can help, but the real question is what is driving the autoimmune process? Food proteins, infections, environmental chemicals? If you can ID those immune triggers and remove them, that is where the real immune regulation/calming can begin. Once you id the triggers, then you supplement accordingly and see what happens. Hope this helps!

  4. Dawn Maclean Reply

    Mine are 780, I eat correctly, take my thyroid meds, meditation & walking daily, what else can I do to lower??? Thanks

  5. Pam Brundell Reply

    My thyroid was removed over two years ago. I had no symptoms, thyroid was functioning fine but there were some small suspicious growths so removed in case cancer risk. Over past 12 months I have started becoming increasingly tired, lack motivation, terribly muscle ache all over and tender to touch muscles, especially Achilles Heels. Muscle stiffness, I shuffle around like I am a very elderly woman until muscles loosen but then they seize up again once I sit for a while, feel so embarrassed! Gaining weight and notice hair seems to be thinning. Blood tests come back ‘normal’ so just told to do exercise and take painkillers! I have now had Levothyroxine reduced from 125 – 100 per day as last lab report stated slightly high. Does anything I have shared sound like I could have Hashimoto’s. I am at a loss what to do, are these symptoms just going to be with me now for the rest of my life?

  6. Sue Kane Reply

    Can someone who had their thyroid killed by radioactive iodine have hashimotos?

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Yes, but your antibody tests would come back negative because the thyroif is now gone. The Autoimmune process doesn’t stop when the gland is removed, but the target is. You won’t have positive antibodies to your thyroid but you could have expansion of the autoimmunity to other tissues. Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

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