All rights reserved Brad Shook, DC, DAAMLP, CSCS 2019
All information contained on this site are informational only, and not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, supplemental or changes to your medications. The word "treat," and "treatment" may be used on this site, and does not represent a medical approach to "treating" any condition. Dr. Shook's office does not "treat" any condition, but rather supports adaptive physiology with the goal of maximizing foundational health. This should be considered as part of our terms of use for all of our website(s), office policy, and should be considered a formal notice.
I recently started to work at a daycare/preschool working with 4 years old, yesterday I ended my 2nd full week and I have a respiratory bug or allergie issues since things are in spring blooming, I was wondering what I could do with help boosting my immunity since working with little ones now, I have hypothyroid issues so maybe that affects my immunity somewhat, I am taking Vitamins B12, c and D3, any suggestion will be appreciated
Kimmy, without knowing lab values, it’s difficult to know. In similar cases I have people maximize their vitamin D levels to the high normal lab range, but you really have to know what your lab values are.
This is so awesome. I would love to come there. I am in Greensboro, but I so hope to be able to someday.
Hi Karen, we work with people all over the United States and internationally using Skype and phone appointments. We can get lab testing done just about anywhere, so if you need help we should be able to work with you from just about anywhere. If you need anything just let us know. Have a great day!
Oh wow, very cool. Thank you so very much!
That is great to know! I’m so tired of being tired and sluggish yet being told my labs are normal. Was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in ’91 and have been on a roller coaster ride ever since.
I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and I want to know what I can do to help with my energy my aching all over and my brain fog and my fatigue?and now I have a fatty liver .
I just had all my lab work so I could provide that if necessary
What do you test for ? I think I need a full work up , I feel terrible