Do you know the connection between Hashimoto’s, Progesterone and Anemia? Join me live to learn more! Follow me on SnapChat for a behind the scenes look and for the best information I don’t share anywhere else!
Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here:
Are your cells desensitized to your progesterone becasue of your thyroid? If so, is MORE progesterone the answer? Could the progesterone actually cause you to have other hormone imbalances? If you are confused, this is the video you MUST watch to understand your hormones:
Excessive menstrual bleeding is a huge problem with anemia! Thank Dr. Shook!
HI Bonnie, there are a lot of places you could start. If you need one on one help Dr Shook works with people around the world and throughout the US via distance consulting. He uses Skype, Facetime and the phone.
For those of you interested in the guidebook Dr. Shook mentioned, here is a link where you can go get it if you want:
Dr. Shook asked me to share a link to the Hair Loss Guidebook he created. Anemia can be a major contributing factor to anemia.
So my daughter has hashimtos and takes progesterone because she has amenorrhea – how does this effect hashimotos? the only way she has ay “cycle” at this time is with progesterone
If she does not have optimal utilization of thyroid hormone by her cells then she may not have good sensitivity to her progesterone. Giving more may help, but progesterone can convert to other hormones (estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone).
Thanks so much! This confirmed something I suspected.