cure hashimoto's naturally

The Link Between Autism and Autoimmunity / Hashimoto’s

The Link Between Autism and Autoimmunity / Hashimoto’s

The Link Between Autism and Autoimmunity / Hashimoto’sHashimoto’s may bring more complications than can be managed by simply losing some weight and keeping your extremities warm. In fact, a recent Finnish study has indicated a link between pregnant women with Hashimoto’s and autism in their offspring. The study concludes that women who suffer from an autoimmune hypothyroidism issue were as much as 80% more likely to give birth to a child that would develop autism than women who did not.

Autoimmune diseases are a growing problem in modern times; rates of occurrence are skyrocketing, even though many people may go undiagnosed despite apparent symptoms. Autoimmune conditions describe the body’s immune system attacking itself due to imbalances or a number of other causes. Hashimoto’s is a particular condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid. However there are many types of autoimmune conditions, and most any organ, gland, tissue or chemical can be targeted by the immune system – it depends on factors such as genetic predisposition or underlying causes that triggered the autoimmunity. Diet issues, for example, are linked with certain autoimmune conditions.

Other studies have identified correlations between incidences of autism in the offspring of mothers with autoimmune diseases – celiac disease, type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel conditions have been suggested as increasing the risk of autism.

How Does Maternal Autoimmunity Promote Autism?

The question is: how can maternal complications regarding autoimmunity increase the risk of autism in offspring? The answer is in the biomechanics of the autoimmune cells, called antibodies. These antibodies are responsible for the problematic attacks on the host (you), and can be passed on to the child. In this case, the child is born with autoimmune cell reactions already taking place in their body. If the attacks are occurring in the brain, this can be a strong link to the development of autism.

There is empirical evidence of the role antibodies play in the development of autism, in an experiment conducted that isolates their effects. One group of pregnant monkeys were injected with antibodies taken from human mothers of autistic children. A separate group of pregnant monkeys were treated with antibodies from mothers of children that displayed no indication of autism. The results were that of clear atypical social behavior in the offspring of monkeys injected with antibodies from human mothers of autistic children.

Autoimmune Management, Pre-Conception

There is no need to worry if you would like to get pregnant but suffer from an autoimmune condition. The most important steps to take are screening for

autoimmune conditions, and appropriately managing any results. In the case of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, it may not be enough to only take thyroid hormone – leaving the autoimmune aspect unmanaged could lead to more complications and the possibility of passing these autoimmune antibodies to your offspring.

Management of autoimmune conditions encompasses a broad spectrum of dietary and lifestyle factors in order to regulate antibodies that are in an imbalanced state. Common symptoms of these conditions are inflammation, which does not promote comfortable living. There is an excellent and comprehensive diet that I have developed for managing this inflammation.

Some chemicals and metals can play a significant role in triggering or exacerbating autoimmune conditions, and it is important to screen for the presence of these in the body. Cyrex Array 11 Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen is an effective test designed to identify whether your immune system is reacting to the presence of these. This information can be fundamental in the proper management of your condition.

Lifestyle factors that can create cycles of negativity are known to further promote states of inflammation and autoimmunity. Chronic stress, poor sleep patterns, bad relationship or work situations, and a number of other potential issues are important to consider as direct influences on the management of an autoimmune condition.

In terms of having a child, maternal health is paramount to producing healthy offspring. It is important to balance your immune system and manage any known or undiagnosed autoimmune conditions that may be present in your body, in order to ensure the risks of complications within the child are reduced. Contact my office for more autoimmune and pre-conception advice. (828) 324-0800. We offer in office, video conference and telephone appointments.

Dr. Shook has psoriasis and Hashimoto's disease and has trained extensively in functional medicine, epigenetics, and human performance optimization. DrBradShook.com is a resource to help people with Hashimoto's disease, thyroid dysfunction, and other autoimmune conditions learn more about how they can complement their current medical care and support their thyroid and autoimmunity naturally.

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