cure hashimoto's naturally

How Caffeine Can Make Hashimoto’s Worse

How Caffeine Can Make Hashimoto’s Worse. Join me to learn more!

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Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing

Learn about working one on one with Dr. Shook- https://goo.gl/nFoZqu

9 Labs Required to Understand Your Thyroid Program – https://hashimotosdoctor.com/9teststc

29 Non-Thyroid Labs You Need That No-One Has Ordered Program – https://hashimotosdoctor.com/29labstc

How Can I Prevent Hair Loss with Hashimoto’s Program – https://hashimotosdoctor.com/hashimotoshairloss

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  1. Kristen Jung Barrow Reply

    I would probably watch your videos more often if you would put a shirt on….on the verge of just leaving the page.

  2. Cynthia Ann Upham Reply

    Kimberly Dawn Smith uggg! One more thing. I guess its worth a try but thinking I will swap to decaf for now. Hard to give up the morning cup!

  3. Dee Miller-Kunis Reply

    I wonder about decaf….

  4. Christine Sell Reply

    Twenty two years ago I had an anaphylactic type reaction that landed me in the ER. The culprit I later learned was of all things-chocolate!!!!!! I haven’t had chocolate since I discovered it was the cause of the reaction!!! So I just recently learned that chocolate is a gluten cross-reactive!! I suspect, looking back now, that I was gluten sensitive then, but we didn’t have all the info we have nowadays. Now, I am also extremely sensitive to cocoa butter in lotions and cosmetics. I have researched chocolate for many years to figure out why I had an allergic reaction since I ate it without a problem many years before. Chocolate has three xanthine stimulants in it-caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. It is very addictive!! I drank lots of coffee for years until about nine months ago I started drinking decaffeinated teas and coffee!!! Wow what a difference and the brain fog is basically gone. Get off these bad habits your life depends on it and you won’t believe how wonderful you will feel!!!!

  5. Christine Sell Reply

    Gluten cross-reactive I learned from Magdalena Wszelaki | Hormones Balance on Facebook.

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