Hypothyroid Hair Loss Tip #7 of 7 –Autoimmune
cure hashimoto's naturally

Hypothyroid Hair Loss Tip #7 of 7 –Autoimmune


7 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Could your hair loss be due to your autoimmunity? Join Dr. Shook in this 7part thyroid, hair loss series.


​We understand that thyroid problems are complicated and that is why Dr. Shook has created several resources so that you can be your own advocate and take your health back!

Dr. Shook created “The 6 Week Hashimoto’s Transformation Program” to help people figure out the diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation they need, and do it with a built-in support group. This is a clinically tested program that we can help people get their health back. If you want to learn more click here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/auto-webinar-registrationwhq2lzrf


You may want to begin with Dr. Shook’s lab guide, “9 Tests Required to Understand Your Thyroid,” and take a look at a a few of the resources below:

1) HAIR LOSS "How Can I Prevent Hair Loss With Hashimoto's?"
https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-guide-plus-hostin g-feeqht…

2) THYROID LABS "9 Tests Required To Understand Your Thyroid"

**As of 2016, Dr. Shook is offering 1, 15-minute consultation per day at no charge. These consultations are provided to help you best determine options to consider, and they are offered as a coaching service that is free. No doctor-patient relationship is established; the consult is informational in nature.

Click below to request a free 15-minute consult with Dr. Shook:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/15-min-consult-requestisf8ol5u

**If you would like to get your thyroid antibodies (TPOab and TGab) checked, you can complete the form online:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/antibodies-order-form6yld3ebm

**If you would like to learn more about becoming a patient or distance consulting client of our office, you can learn more here: https://drbradshook.com/new-patient-center/

You can also learn more on Dr. Shook's Facebook page at The Office of Dr. Brad Shook https://www.facebook.com/drbradshook/?fref=ts.

You can also visit his practice website at www.DrBradShook.com.

You can read the transcript of this video below: 7 Tips To Prevent Hair Loss - Tip #7 of 7, Investigate the Cause First!  

Hi. Dr. Shook here and this is the last of our seven part video series and seven tips on how to prevent hair loss with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. Let's go ahead and get right to it with tip number seven. Tip number seven is could you be, this is a question really, could you be losing your hair because of an autoimmune condition called alopecia areata. Here's the thing, if you're losing hair and it's in patches, that could be due to an autoimmune attack against the hair follicle. It's called alopecia areata. Here's the deal. That's an autoimmune condition, so if it's an autoimmune condition you've got to treat, you've got to address that like you would any other autoimmune condition. I would encourage you, the approach that we take, is the approach that I recommend for autoimmunity for my clients. That is determine, to detect the drivers of the autoimmunity, so infections, environmental chemicals, are huge and then food proteins, those are the most common ones.
We look at other things too. We consider stress and some other things that can drive an inflammatory process, but most of the time those three categories are where we're going to get, we're going to dig in and find most commonly the drivers of the autoimmune process so that we can help take them out, remove them from your diet, from your environment, so that we can calm down the immune system and work to put that autoimmunity into remission. If you're losing your hair in patches it could be the alopecia areata, and you have to approach it from an autoimmune perspective. That's the same perspective that we approach any autoimmune condition.
Fortunately the autoimmune mechanisms, if you address, if you have five autoimmune conditions, you don't focus on just the drivers of each individual autoimmune condition. Actually the only difference is that the underlying mechanism that's pushing the autoimmunity is the same, it's just that you're getting attack of specific tissues. The way that you address that is you look for the drivers of the autoimmune process and you don't focus on just what tissue is being destroyed and address that as a symptom, okay. You look for the underlying mechanism of the autoimmunity so that you can work on putting it into remission and dampening it, and then you'll see improvements with the actual tissue that's being destroyed. In this case, if it's the hair, then we can see improvements with the hair, but alopecia areata is the seventh thing and the seventh tip I want to give you.
These are all things that you have to consider. If you guys haven't seen the other videos with the other six tips that we did before this, they're extremely, extremely important because they are very, very foundational and there are a lot of things that aren't being talked about and covered with hair loss and Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. I hope this has been helpful. I really super, I'm super appreciative of you guys and very humbled by the fact that you come here and you come and you look to me to give you information about your health. I really take it seriously and I want to do the best that I can for you and make a difference.
I want to tell you guys, if you're interested in getting more information about this, I've put together a twenty-eight page guidebook on how to prevent hair loss with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. If you're interested, all you have to do is after this video, just click the link and it will take you to our website where you can get a copy of that twenty-eight page guide book. It's full of links and videos and everything that expand on these topics more. I even show a lot of the testing that we utilize in my clinic, hormone testing, cortisol testing, chemical testing, inflammatory testing. There's tons and tons of stuff in there that's just extremely valuable. I spent a lot of time putting it together.
The only thing that I ask is that you pay a one-time fee, a small fee of seven dollars to help us cover the technology costs of making that available to you. I have to pay for the technology to make that available to you for the website, for the email service, to produce the videos and all the stuff we have to pay for, so we'll basically, I'll give you that information if you just help us out with the technology fees, okay? I really appreciate you guys. I'm super appreciative of you and I just want to say thank you so much. I hope this has been helpful. If you haven't seen the other videos, go and watch those. They are really important. I would start with number one and work your way through the videos. It will really help you to better understand a lot of these different drivers of hair loss and what you might want to consider doing about it, okay. If you guys need anything, just let us know. Again, I'm very appreciative of you and I hope you have a wonderful day.


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