Hypothyroid Pattern #1! Join me live to learn more!
Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing
Hypothyroid Pattern #1! Join me live to learn more!
Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing
Do you help people with Lupus!
Hi, Lynn. Yes I have patients and distance that have lupus. We treat lupus the same way that we treat any other autoimmune disease in that we seek to detect what’s driving the autoimmune process through measurable objective and repeatable testing and then we put together a plan to remove the immune system triggers and then support the body by repairing damaged systems and impaired biochemistry so that you can have as optimal health and recovery as is possible.
Could a fatty liver have anything to do with my hypothyroidism? Or just plain nutrition based?
Hi Susanne. Yes, a fatty liver could be associated with hypothyroid function. Low thyroid hormone activity makes it harder for the cells of your body to clear glucose or blood sugar. This reduced ability to clear blood sugar results in a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream and can result in blood sugar fluctuations up and down. One of the most common things that I’ve seen contribute to a fatty liver are these fluctuations in blood sugar that result in spikes of cortisol and surges of insulin that result in stored blood sugar being released into the bloodstream from the liver in the skeletal muscle. When this occurs with repetition you start to see fatty infiltration into the liver. So low thyroid function can result in blood sugar fluctuations and promote a fatty liver. What I found clinically is that you have to try to address everything that you can at one time to break this vicious cycle of blood sugar affecting thyroid hormone sensitivity amc thyroid hormone sensitivity affecting blood sugar. What I do is I look at the person’s entire health history and combine that with very expanded blood work to give us a better idea of what systems of the body might be breaking down and contributing to things like inflammation , blood sugar test regulation and decreased thyroid hormone sensitivity. Once you do that, you can formulate a plan to start supporting the person as a whole and not just look at one system or a few laboratory markers. So for example if you have poor Digestive Health that’s causing inflammation or decrease nutrient absorption then you may have decreased thyroid hormone sensitivity due to the inflammation and due to a vitamin A deficiency. This decreased thyroid hormone sensitivity could result in your inability to clear blood sugar that can result in high and low blood sugar fluctuations and promote a fatty liver. The bottom line is that everything the body is connected and you can’t just look at one or two things, you have to look at the person as a whole and take into consideration that the systems of the body can influence one another. I hope this helps and that it’s not too confusing it was all talk to text. Have a great day, hope this helps.
The Office of Dr. Brad Shook thank you for the detailed explanation! Yes, this helps and it does makes sense! Now I just need to explain this to my Dr. instead of them just saying I need to loose weight
Hi, Lynn. We do have patients and distance consulting clients with Lupus. If you would like to speak with Dr. Shook before scheduling an appointment you could schedule a free 15 minute consultation.
You can request a free 15 min consultation here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/optin8997533
HI Susanne. We commonly see people with hypothyroidism and fatty liver. Low thyroid function can make the liver sluggish. Dr. Shook finds that poor blood sugar regulation is one of the main causes of fatty liver, and he addresses blood sugar regulation with everyone he works with.
If you guys are looking for a good place to start investigating what could be happening with your thyroid Dr. Shook’s guidebook is excellent. Do You Know The 9 Tests Required to Understand Your Thyroid? https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-book-pageqpuqvcr1
The thyroid glad hurts my head! So hard trying to understand it and figure it all out
As an autoimmune disorder, I imagine her would.
What do you do if you have a hot Nacho that goes from hypo to hyper
Hi Lyn, is it Hashimoto’s? That is common with Hashimoto’s, hyper and hypo symptoms. If it is hashi, you have to address the drivers or causes of the autoimmunity to quiet the autoimmunity.
They test me for Hashimoto and said I didn’t have it
Does fatty liver have anything to do with an elevated ammonia level?
Liver function is okay and I don’t drink alcohol
Aloha Dr. Brad, thank you so much and you have a bless night;-))
Any correlation between Hashimotos and Hives?
Hi Kelly. Yes , hives and Hashimoto’s are commonly found together. They seem to be Associated more with high antibodies and if you can effectively dampen the auto immune process it seems to have a beneficial effect on the hives. Hope this helps, have a great day.
This is the first time I’ve ever had hives, they seem to be located on my tattoos ( I’ve had for years), I’ve literally scratched myself till bruises appear…. I’ve tried lotions, Benadryl, and cold compresses and nothing is happening and I’ve started going gluten free….
I’m on pain meds for my back problems. Does this cause problems with my thyroid issues?
Possibly. There are a lot of thyroid medication interactions. I would just Google the medication that you’re on and thyroid and see what you find.
Do you accept champ VA insurance?
Hi, Dena. No, insurance companies determine this type of care not medically necessary. Your insurance companies think that this type of care where you’re investigating health and casting a very broad net to try and determine what is driving a disease process as being not medically necessary and therefore not a covered service under your insurance. Insurance companies use best practice guidelines which are developed by doctors, nurses and administrators to help them determine what should and should not be covered. These guidelines are based off of research to support the treatment of disease with medications and surgery which do not support or Justify any kind of Investigation other than those that can be helped with surgery or medications. Until there is reform in the insurance industry this type of healthcare will not be covered. I’m hopeful that this type of Health Care will be covered in the future but I’m not holding my breath. If you think about it, who is going to lobby for this type of Health Care? Is a pharmaceutical company going to lobby for Natural Health Care that uses herbs and vitamins that are not patentable? Is a hospital system or surgical Hardware manufacturer going to Lobby or promote a system of Health Care that reduces the amount of Hospital admissions or surgeries? Is an Imaging equipment manufacturer or Laboratory Testing company going to promote a system of Health Care that reduces the amount of Imaging studies or laboratory tests that are done? The fact is is that to get this type of change we as individuals are going to have to come together and demand that the change occur because no big business is going to promote this type of Health Care and therefore no politicians campaign is going to be funded that supports this type of Reform or change. So there you have it, the state of healthcare. I will say this, if you call your insurance they’re going to tell you that all the doctor has to do is submit a procedure code and they’ll pay for it. The problem is is that the person that you’re talking to did not understand that this is functional medicine, they do not understand that their best practice guidelines that determine medical necessity do not cover functional medicine and therefore they’re telling you that the services will be covered if the doctor just submits it. That representative that you talk to on the phone is not aware that based on my reason for ordering the , it does not conform to their best practice guidelines and therefore it is not medically necessary. I decided a long time ago was not going to be part of that system because of the incongruence with my philosophy and approach to healthcare, and I also decided that I was not going to spend hours every day dealing with insurance companies, trying to write letters of medical necessity to get a tests covered that I knew would never be covered because of the insurance companies best practice guidelines to determine medical necessity. It is a system that supports the treatment of sickness and does not support the search of or restoration of Optimal Health. I hope this helps you understand the situation a little bit better. I try to do everything that I can to help people at absolutely no cost that’s one of the reasons that I teach as much as I do and try to help people become empowered so they can become their own advocate. I hope this helps you, have a great day.
Thank you Dr Brad for the information
My TSH T4 and T3 are all low. Doc has check my pituitary nothing there.
Sharon, you’re going to want to watch the live stream that I do today around noon. This is on pituitary hypofunction and I discuss what it is, how we look at it and what typically causes it. Usually this is a pattern that we can support nutritionally but the ability of the pituitary gland to make adequate TSH is something that you just have to see with time and nutritional support. Definitely check out the live stream that I’ll be doing today around noon and if you can’t attend it don’t worry it will be saved and recorded. Hope this helps you.
Thank you. I will have to catch to recorded version. The doc has checked the pitutary and it was fine but I am vry interested in the nutritional support!! Anything to cure the exhaustion.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Mandy Cormier
So If I have to much T3 that could be the reason I have a problem gaining weight?
I have no thyroid due to cancer. Recently my TSH jumped from 1.98 to 10! What would cause this?
Chris that’s hard to say it could be a lot of different things. Are they still trying to get your medications balanced?
Yes thank you
Thank you Dr. taking time to inform and educate , now if only all the Drs. that i went to would watch your video’s ….my life would be so much easier !
But what
NDT’ s they suppress the TSH
You shouldn’t have suppression of your TSH and less the thyroid hormone levels too high.
oops…..i wasn’t finished commenting
Taking NDT’s suppress TSH……right ?
It shouldn’t unless the levels are too high
Leaky gut can cause thyroid issues
Yes it can. It primarily drives the immune process which drives up inflammation and interferes with thyroid hormone physiology.
The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Turmeric 3D and Fortify with 50 billon live cultures has really helped me.
Standard process products work well,Hypothalmex,Pituitrophin ThytrophinPMG and Adrenal Desiccated .Do you ever prescribe these?
how risky for someone with ‘normal’ thyroid to take Bladderwrack – for it’s benefits (losing weight for one) ?