cure hashimoto's naturally

Is Hashimoto’s Genetic?

Is Hashimoto's Genetic?

What role do genes play in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

Hey everybody. Dr. Shook here, and this is another sauna session. In today's sauna session, what I want to talk about is the effects of environment on developing Hashimoto's and controlling it, because there's an interesting study that I came across where they looked at identical twins. Okay? They looked in particular at where one of the identical twins had Hashimoto's, and they checked the other twin to see if that person, if they also had Hashimoto's. What they found out was that about 50% of identical twins that had Hashimoto's, their sibling, their twin about half of them had it and half of them didn't.
What they came to the conclusion was that genes and that the genotype, your genetic makeup is only a part of your development of Hashimoto's. What that basically means is that the environment influences the expression of turning on or off of the genes. It was very interesting, and this is something that we see clinically in that that we know that the environment plays a huge role in activating or at influencing the expression of the genes. It's really important to know that even if you have family history of Hashimoto's or autoimmune conditions, that doesn't mean it's your destiny. It means that you identify the environmental triggers that influence the expression of the genes, right? That's what we do. That's what functional medicine is all about. That's what I do in practice as I try to help people identify those environmental triggers so that they can know what they are and they can control them.
If it's something it's like infection, well, then they deal with those things. If it's food sensitivities or leaky gut, then we work on strategies to remove the things that are irritating the immune system, heal the barriers so the person can regain tolerance to foods what we call oral tolerance. If they are reacting to environmental chemicals, they regain environmental tolerance. If they are reacting to themselves where their immune system is attacking their own body, then we want to try to regain self tolerance. These are all terms for immune system, these tolerance concepts. Okay?
Anyway, environment plays a major role in the expression of the genes, and I thought that was a very interesting study that I wanted to share with you guys. Just know that you have a major, the potential, a very profound impact on your expression of any autoimmune condition that you have, not just Hashimoto's, but I want you to know that you can do this. You just empowered. You become empowered with knowledge and then you come up with strategies to help yourself. You got to be your own advocate.
What I'm trying to teach you guys are these factors that really come into play. Environment is a huge, huge, huge factor for the expression of any disease process. That's the first. That's a concept that you need to keep in mind. Your genes aren't your destiny, right? It's genes plus environment equal we call phenotypic expression. That's the expression of the genes. Change the environment, you can change the expression, because we can't change the genes that we know of, okay, but we can change the environment, and that will change the expression of the genes. That's our goal. All right, so determining those environmental factors so we can influence the expression of the genes.
I appreciate you guys coming here to learn more about your health. If you have questions, lot of people email us or message us. We get all kinds of communications every day, so I'm sorry if I can't respond to everyone of you with your comments. We do our best, but it's become overwhelming at this point. We try our best, and I try to put out videos that are going to teach you guys concepts and things that you're interested in that will help you.
If you want a place to get started, you need to look at our ... I created a guidebook to help you understand your thyroid first, because a lot of people have these thyroid issues like Hashimoto's or they have thyroid related symptoms, but the doctor said their labs are normal, so we created a guidebook called the 9 Tests Required to Understand Your Thyroid. It's a guidebook where I go through the nine. There are actually seven thyroid hormone markers, two of those are, and then two additional markers that are antibodies that we used to check for autoimmunity against the thyroid.
There are actually nine tests that we use to help you understand. I created a guidebook, I think it's 14 pages long. You can get it. If you want us to post the link, message us, just make a comment, and we'll post a link below so that you can go and you can look at the guidebook and get it if you want it, but it'll really help you to understand kind of where to start, what lab tests you might want to consider for having thyroid related symptoms so that you can better understand: Is your thyroid physiology working properly, or is the TSH that your doctors might be looking at, or just the T4 and T3 your doctors are looking at inadequate? That's where we find a lot of cases.
You got to look at things like T3 uptake and reverse T3, and you got to understand are you autoimmune. Then from there, you got to may be look at inflammatory chemicals like C-reactive protein and homocysteine and then maybe even look at your red blood cell to see if there's any anemias and then even blood sugar, because blood sugar can influence your thyroid physiology. Everything is connected. Right?
Anyway, I just wanted to share with you guys this interesting study that I found on twins, and if one had Hashimoto's, the likelihood of their twin having in as well, it's about 50%, so we know that environment plays a huge role in the expression of the genes.
Dr. Shook here. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Thank you for coming here to learn more about your health. If there's anything we can do for you, just let us know.

​We understand that thyroid problems are complicated and that is why Dr. Shook has created several resources so that you can be your own advocate and take your health back!

Dr. Shook created “The 6 Week Hashimoto’s Transformation Program” to help people figure out the diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation they need, and do it with a built-in support group. This is a clinically tested program that we can help people get their health back. If you want to learn more click here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/auto-webinar-registrationwhq2lzrf


You may want to begin with Dr. Shook’s lab guide, “9 Tests Required to Understand Your Thyroid,” and take a look at a a few of the resources below:

1) HAIR LOSS "How Can I Prevent Hair Loss With Hashimoto's?"
https://hashimotosdoctor.com/free-guide-plus-hostin g-feeqht…

2) THYROID LABS "9 Tests Required To Understand Your Thyroid"

**As of 2016, Dr. Shook is offering 1, 15-minute consultation per day at no charge. These consultations are provided to help you best determine options to consider, and they are offered as a coaching service that is free. No doctor-patient relationship is established; the consult is informational in nature.

Click below to request a free 15-minute consult with Dr. Shook:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/15-min-consult-requestisf8ol5u

**If you would like to get your thyroid antibodies (TPOab and TGab) checked, you can complete the form online:https://hashimotosdoctor.com/antibodies-order-form6yld3ebm

**If you would like to learn more about becoming a patient or distance consulting client of our office, you can learn more here: https://drbradshook.com/new-patient-center/

You can also learn more on Dr. Shook's Facebook page at The Office of Dr. Brad Shook https://www.facebook.com/drbradshook/?fref=ts.

You can also visit his practice website at www.DrBradShook.com.

Dr. Shook has psoriasis and Hashimoto's disease and has trained extensively in functional medicine, epigenetics, and human performance optimization. DrBradShook.com is a resource to help people with Hashimoto's disease, thyroid dysfunction, and other autoimmune conditions learn more about how they can complement their current medical care and support their thyroid and autoimmunity naturally.

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