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Peripheral Neuropathy Results Testimonial Mr. Lackey

Mr. Lester Lackey was kind enough to share his experience with the public regarding his care in our office for Peripheral Neuropathy. https://drbradshook.com/peripheral-neuropathy/

  1. Karen Serrano Reply

    Thanks. Sharing with my mom, Iris Salig.

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      You are welcome. We are fortunate to have patients willing to share their stories like Mr. Lackey did. So many people are told that “nothing can be done,” and that is just not the case. ALL of the patients that I have seen for neuropathy have been told “nothing can be done” by their doctors, so it really helps when people like Mr. Lackey step forward and agree to share their experience. New technology in metabolic care and physical rehabilitation are advancing so quickly that doctors who primarily work with pharmaceuticals and surgery are left behind.

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