cure hashimoto's naturally

Q&A: Approach to Graves’ Disease

What is Dr. Shook’s approach to Graves’ Disease?

Did you know there are 4-Stage of Healing Hashimoto’s?
Find out what stage you’re at, here: https://hashimotosdoctor.com/fb4stagesofhealing

  1. Doreen Caine Reply

    Thank you very much for doing this

  2. Wendy Schoonmaker Reply

    I really wish your brilliance was here in California!!!

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi Wendy! Thank you for the kind words. If you need help I do work with people via distance consulting using skype, facetmie and phone. Have a great day!

      • Wendy Schoonmaker

        Oh wow!! That would be great!!

      • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook

        Wendy, you can go here and learn more… https://drbradshook.com/new-patient-center/

      • Lizzie Hilton

        Hi. Is there anyone Dr Shook works with or would recommend in the U.K.?

      • Heidi Klein

        Hi Dr shook, I had a tt several years ago, 10+yrs. And still suffer with food, digestive, constipation, neck pain, skin issues etc. What can I have my Dr look into. I feel they don’t have a clue as to what is causing any of it.

  3. Kristin Austin Reply

    Thank you!!!!

  4. Kristy Lynn Reply

    All viruses contribute to autoimmune disease? Ebstein barr virus?

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi, Kristy. Viruses promote an inflammatory response and stimulate the immune system promoting autoimmunity.

  5. Lenore Poole Reply

    Lesley Owen

    • Lesley Owen Reply

      Thanks Lenore x

      • Lenore Poole

        Lesley Owen. Hope your doing ok x

      • Lesley Owen


      • Lenore Poole

        Lesley Owen. Oh dear, you know where I am if you need to chat x

  6. Kelly Cooper Stewart Reply

    How does high dose steroids affect Graves’ disease? I take med for Graves, but due to other issues, was put on high dose steroids (orbital myositis). I now am feeling the symptoms I had before my thyroid was tested…like mood swings, being lethargic, fast heart rate, etc

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      Hi, Kelly. The steroids are anti-inflammatory and will help to suppress your orbital inflammation. Steroids will elevate cortisol and cause blood sugar swings with both promote autoimmunity and hormone fluctuations, but they are helping keep the inflammation down behind your eyes which is critical. You really need to consider addressing the drivers of the autoimmune process (foods, infections, chemicals) to see how much you can dampen the inflammation and autoimmunity. I hope this helps. Have a great day.

  7. Dawn Johnston Paterno Reply

    I have my appointment on the books. Excited to start working with Dr Shook. Hopeful to regain my health!

  8. Kathryn Helms Reply

    I was originally diagnosed with graves disease then thyroid was killed off and half removed due to nodule. Now I’m hypo and at my heaviest weight. I’m only 5’1 and over 200. I’m on levothyroxine 135 mcg.

    • Joy B. Hilado Reply

      See an endo request for synthroid and cytomel. Not levo!

      • Soni Collins

        Yes I agree…I gained without eatting on levothyroxine…now on n p thyroid and slowly losing this weight.

  9. Jennifer Finnimore Cartwright Reply

    Judy Willets Lach

  10. Joy Simpson Reply

    Video helped me try to understand Graves’ disease..I was just diagnosed 1st of January. My body has went into a whirlwind. I thought I was losing my mind I couldn’t understand the palpitations, body temp changes, mood changes. I’m experiencing hand tremors since Sunday put on tapazol…wish you was close to ky I have a endocrinologist appointment next week. I’m trying to do as much research before I go.

    • The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

      You can do it Joy. I hope this helps you.

      • Joy Simpson

        Thank you….I did I131 last week….another whirlwind

      • Joy Simpson

        Thank you…I did I131 last week..another whirlwind

  11. Lorena Franco Reply

    thank you ! for this information

  12. Gail Orozco Reply

    Wish I found information in 2001 when I was diagnosed with Graves’, very little information at that time. Was told It was probably caused by a virus, however having listening to you, working in a print shop around chemicals probably didn’t help. Had a storm and no meds could control it so I had RAI therapy. After being in synthyroid then levothyroxine I am now on Armour Thyroid which helps at least stabilize weight. Insurance doesn’t cover it. I am thinking just T3 would be better but I now have a doctor who goes by test results and doesn’t listen to my concerns, which is frustrating.

  13. Kim Ferster-Bernard Reply

    I love what your teaching and how your willing to treat the autoimmune disease not just the thyroid. How did I get these test? Where is your office. I live in Canada.

  14. Holly Christine Reply

    Im living with graves and had my thyroid taken out am I cured as my dr would say?

  15. Nikki Nicole CW Reply

    Nicole Cuizon’Ware

  16. Valarie Martinez Reply

    Thyroid receptors? Um, no! The meds block the production of the thyroid hormones. Graves disease has receptors located threw out the body not just the thyroid, such as the eyes and skin, and even brain. The TSH stops producing because the antibodies which are TSI(one of the 3 forms of TRab) memic TSH causing the thyroid hormones to rise, which are T4&T3(not TSH, as it is a hormones not produced by the thyroid). I do not believe that the approaches here are going to heal the autoimmune disease, they are not all caused by leaky gut(a symptom of another disease), or what you eat(however eating a well balanced clean diet helps improve everyone’s health), I have been treated by many doctors, several who also claimed healing, but their is absolutely no cure for autoimmune disease yet, and thinking removing a trigger, without understanding the disease itself will benefit you will likely leave many just as Ill if not worse off…prime example, leaky gut calls for gluten free yet remove gluten without proper guidance then creates an unbalanced gut health possibly keeping many from that long term remission. Let’s look at the fact that if hyper and playing with diet you can create other health issues because of the way the body is at work using the very nutrition you are trying to remove. While Graves is busy dumping nutrition threw diarrhea, here you are pulling the very substance they need. Be careful in all aspects of this disease and seek the advice of the true specialists of your disease instead of intrusting your health to someone who needs more study on the disease you have. I will not be responding to replies, unless from the original poster, as my view in this will certainly bring backlash as usual.

  17. The Office of Dr. Brad Shook Reply

    Hey, guys! I hope you found this video helpful, and I would just like to clarify that this video is not a dissertation on Graves’ disease. I mentioned thyroid receptors in the video, and I was referencing the receptors on the thyroid, (TSH/Thyrotropin receptors), not thyroid hormone receptors throughout the body. This video is a review of my approach to supporting this autoimmune condition, not an academic presentation. If you would like more information on Graves’s Disease please visit some of the resources provided below: http://img.medscapestatic.com/pi/meds/ckb/23/30623.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyrotropin_receptor https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4898069/ http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/tc/hyperthyroidism-graves-ophthalmopathy-topic-overview http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/462808 http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/120619-overview#a4 http://www.mythyroid.com/medicationshyper.html

  18. Adriana Ottenhof-Koning Reply

    Demi Boontje

  19. Courtney Reneé Reply

    Im 18 yrs since diagnosed with graves. Been hypo then hyper now hypo from total thyroidectomy. I did RAI too with no results. I love how you try to solve body problems with the diease and not just treat them. I wish more Drs who specialize in this knew more. I passed the disease to my youngest who was born with neonatal grave disease but he out grew it. Now keeping an eye on my oldest as he is developing dark under arm lines just like I did before I had this disease. So helpful. What kind of Dr are you? I would love to find one here in South fl

  20. Brenda Grier Reply

    You did not mention the effects it has on your eyes???? I was driving to work one day and my vision just went into a total blur. I freaked and prayed until I made it to where I could call for help. After several doctors, I ended up having four surgeries and then developed very bad cataracts. I was cross eyed, once from the left side after surgery and again on the right side after surgery. I took the radioactive iodine pill before this happened due to my “hyperthyroidism”. I weighed 92 pounds at 55 years of age after eating a burger, fries, coke, sundae….it didn’t matter, to keep from losing anymore weight. I’m trying to keep my long story short, but now I have developed major problems with my feet, swollen, “gross looking” toes. The podiatrist says it is my thyroid also. Hot dang, I have seen so many specialists it isn’t funny. They want me to keep coming back to them. What’s the point? I can’t afford it if it is not fixable. Simple question, is it?

  21. Joanne Fleming Leschen Reply

    Ok, so I had a Thyroid storm, diagnosed with Graves, had RAI. Now I have to take Synthroid because my thyroid no longer works. My question is if I’ve had RAI the underlying problem has never been addressed what do I do or test to address them now that my thyroid is no longer functioning. I do see and Endocronology regularly and my numbers fluctuate.

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