All rights reserved Brad Shook, DC, DAAMLP, CSCS 2019
All information contained on this site are informational only, and not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, supplemental or changes to your medications. The word "treat," and "treatment" may be used on this site, and does not represent a medical approach to "treating" any condition. Dr. Shook's office does not "treat" any condition, but rather supports adaptive physiology with the goal of maximizing foundational health. This should be considered as part of our terms of use for all of our website(s), office policy, and should be considered a formal notice.
Is taking digestive enzymes a good idea for hashimotos?…leaky gut?
Any way to naturally treat Graves’ disease that has been requiring PTU?
I just learned about biotin effecting blood test results. Is this true and how long do you recommend being off of it before doing blood work? Are there any other supplements that I need to consider as well?
What about Revitin?
I use baking soda and coconut oil to brush my teeth…good idea?
What are your thoughts about oil pulling?
When starting T4 only is it common to feel worse before feeling better?
I am taking many holistic vitamins and I’m still low on many. What causes a low absorption
How likely will my kids get hypothyroidism if I, my sister, mother and aunts have it? Is it hereditary?
Love that. “Filling in the nutrient potholes.”
Do you advise cutting out yeast products like bread etc. for hashimotos?
Spending $8,000 a year for lab work!
What about people that have had a total thyroidectomy-would we benefit from this as well?
Hi! Joining late
I have been having pain in my lower back/kidneys. Went to doctor yesterday and had cat scan. Was told I have kidney stones but they said the stones were not causing an issue yet, but I hurt. Does kidney stones have a connection with hashimotos or autoimnunity?
Iodine and Hashimoto’s – I have a very low iodine level and have just started supplementing iodine. I’ve heard other’s caution against this, but I feel like it’s helping – I feel better! What are the downsides to supplementing with Hashimoto’s?
Great point
Got it. Thank you so much! I learn so much from you.
Thanks you so much for all the information!
What’s your view on LDN?
My CRP IS 9 .How do I get it down
Have you ever heard of Smartie Pants organic gummy vitamins for kids. My son is very picky and it is the only multi that I found that he likes.
Do certain essential oils affect hormones?
Thank you. I buy mostly organic for them. But would like to add enzymes and probiotics, any recommendations?
What labs do you recommend for Graves? My Endo usually does tsh, t3, t4, and TSI.
What about supplements that are often yeast-based, like B vitamins when trying to avoid yeast?
Thank you!
Thank you. I did have Candida overgrowth a couple years ago. I was hoping it was getting better as I’ve treated it. I will look up oxalate foods. Thank you
Do you take the iodine and selenium at the same time? Does it matter if they’re taken at different times of the day? Thanks
I was taking kelp, i felt so much better but then my TSH went hyper and ferritin levels went way too high, thank you for bringing up iodine
Like multiminerals for balanced and lower levels of minerals.
Will look into Transformation Community and Strategy session.
Thanks again!
Thanks- have a great day!
Thank you for all the great information!
Here’s a link to learn more about distance consulting and the application process in case a full appointment would be more appropriate for you
Here’s a link to the Transformation Program
What are you drinking looks good
Predictive autoantibodies would be a good topic to cover. Cyrex arrays.
Good morning! Do you take niacin before sauna? How much and how long before sauna?
I just realized I was live for 45 minutes! You guys are so distracting… in a good way.
I have been getting questions about the prebiotic toothpaste I mentioned… here it is
Hay, what ever works.
How do you know the difference between low thyroid symptoms and depression. My last labs My Endo said my TSH was good. I am presently on 20 mg of Prozac.
Deb is you have chronic colds please check your home for mold. I had chronic colds for 1 year . As soon as we found the mold in our house we were renting and moved . It was gone as soon as we left the home. Mold can be a huge toxin that everyone reacts differently to. My husband had chronic head aches that magically disappeared when we moved from the home
Oh no! I missed this one. I was wondering how elevated bile/bile salts in the blood disrupts physiology?
Hello,Dr.Shook. Good to see you again. Enjoy your informative videos!
Should my daughter see an endo doctor instead of a general practitioner about her hashimotos?
Are thyroid supplements healthy to take and does it improve how you feel?
How do I stop the weight gain? The inflammation.
Thank you for the video.
Good morning
What is basic estimated price for basic lab work at ur office? Can u do testing thru the mail?
What test is good for muscle pain or aches thru the body? I take meds for low thyroid
About five years ago I had trouble swallowing I went in and found out that I had Hashimoto marker and enlarged thyroid glands they took out half my thyroid but found out that it was a mistake in the lab that they made anyway I man level thyroxine for the rest of my life 6 pounds after that I discovered I had colon cancer and had surgery and chemo therapy with bag and reverse off lately started getting a lot of psoriasis and tongue mouth burning do anything acid or a hot and spicy I’m just wondering what’s going on I am always tired plus I do have diabetes
So best to go without biotin? Hair, nails and skin is a Graves thing.
I stopped the lthyroxine 150mg after 20 yrs, just stopped simply. Any concern?
Stopped 150mg levothyroxine mos ago. After 20 yrs no improments.
Is a danger Stopped after 20yrs lthyroxine? Was 150mg last taking
Stopped lthyroxine after 20 yrs ist bad danger?
Month ago
You need to be my dr!!!
Hashimotos of course 20yrs,on lthyroxine but Stopped mos ago no improments. Following gf dairy free diet other advices? Dr
20yrs on lthyroxine my kid 4yrs, had vitiligo could be thyroid problem?
You always help a lot thank you!!!!
Isn’t the lab work covered by insurance?