cure hashimoto's naturally

Significantly Improve Your Autoimmune Disease? The Best Advice You’ve Never Taken.

Everyone needs to take this advice, it is the absolute truth and it’s FREE!

This is on my mind today because many kids get candy as an Easter treat, and very few people that I’ve talk to know that the candy they are feeding their kids is likely damaging their child’s health and future.  I’m mainly talking about artificial dyes, artificial flavoring and artificial sweeteners that are in most of the candy you buy at the local grocery store…this stuff is poison.  “It ain’t natural folks”, what else do I need to say?

I’ve been studying autoimmune conditions and functional medicine for several years, and healing autoimmune and chronic health conditions always starts with your diet.  If you think for a second that conventional wisdom on what a “healthy diet” should be is correct, you will very likely continue to suffer with chronic health problems.  Do you want your kids to develop these problems too?  They already have enough against them with toxins in the environment like: pesticides, herbicides, air pollutants, pharmaceutics in the water, plastics leaching in the water, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  What about GMOs?  I’m not even going to get started on GMOs, this is enough to process.

This is the easiest way to say what you should eat, “eat meat, veggies, fruit and only drink water”, that’s it!  I’m very sorry, but If you keep eating processed garbage, or over processing your healthy food (over heating or cooling, which kills the food by destroying enzymes required for proper digestion) then YOU ARE DOING IT TO YOURSELF!  Take a minute to think about what you are eating, what you are feeding your kids, and stop trying to be smarter than nature! There are a few exceptions for eating what nature provides, and you have to consider things like food allergies. Obviously don’t eat food you are allergic to, and some people don’t do well with lectins, which are mainly in nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants), but that is for another post.

Take action and eat what was put on this earth for you to consume in it’s natural form, and you’ll resolve a large amount of your health problems.  When you don’t improve after changing your diet, then you need to look deeper into what is causing your problem.

  1. Mic Vickers Reply

    Thanks for the information and I’ll be trying it.

  2. Mic Vickers Reply

    Thanks and I’ll try it.

    • bshook Reply

      You are welcome Mic. This is great information that has made a huge impact on every patient of mine that has followed it. I am going to start having webinars on supporting autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases in the near future. the webinars will cover the know drivers or causes of autoimmune diseases and how you can rather simply support them amazing well. The webinar information is based on functional medicine treatment of autoimmune diseases, it will be free. Too many doctors charge $500 per hour just to review individual patient cases and I think it is unfair to those that can’t afford to pay for this information so I am sharing it free. Take it, use it and then let me know how you do. I want people to send me videos on their improvement so that other people suffering can see the power of treating causing factors of disease (specifically autoimmune diseases) and how it can change your life. The webinars will be available under a webinars tab at the top of my blog soon. thanks for the post!
      Dr. Shook

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