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Some Cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Caused By Intestinal Parasites?

Some recent research highlights something I have been telling my patients daily, “you have to keep asking why am I having this problem, and what is causing my chronic disease process?”  To uncover the drivers of disease processes, you have to dig deeper and get to the root of the problem…so here is an example for you.

I had a patient present to the office, she was a middle aged female that had beed diagnosed with fibromyalgia, IBS, memory difficulty, and had many other symptoms including widespread pain and difficulty sleeping.  After an examination and reviewing her intake forms, I ordered several advanced diagnostic tests.  One test was a stool test that evaluated her GI tract for parasites, fungi and an imbalance in gut bacteria.  When her results came in, I have to say I wasn’t surprised that she had a very common parasitic infection “blastocystis hominis.”

This particular parasite has been shown to cause many of the symptoms found in IBS, yet she had not been tested for a parasite by her PCP, but rather put on a prescription to manage her symptoms.1  Her PCP definitely meant well, but my point is that when you have a symptom or group of symptoms, don’t settle for symptom management if you want a chance to regain true health.  If you find yourself in this situation ask, “why am I having this problem, and what is causing my chronic disease process” and you just might find what your looking for, the identification of the likely causes versus the treatment of your symptoms.

This patient had multiple problems that were causing her symptoms (yeast overgrowth in her GI tract, gluten allergy, and a lose of the normal daily cortisol rhythm)  which once identified and treated, made a  positive impact on her quality of life and reduced her fibromyalgia and IBS symptoms dramatically.

If you or someone you know is suffering with chronic degenerative conditions, especially an autoimmune or chronic pain condition like fibromyaliga or chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to consider functional medicine or you’ll likely only be treating symptoms.

Dr. Shook practices functional medicine in Hickory, NC.

1) Ramirez-Miranda MEHernandez-Castellanos RLopez-Escamilla EMoncada DRodriguez-Magallan APagaza-Melero C,Gonzalez-Angulo AFlisser AKawa-Karasik SMaravilla P.  Parasites in Mexican patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a case-control study.  Parasit Vectors. 2010 Oct 13;[3:96].

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