All rights reserved Brad Shook, DC, DAAMLP, CSCS 2019
All information contained on this site are informational only, and not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, supplemental or changes to your medications. The word "treat," and "treatment" may be used on this site, and does not represent a medical approach to "treating" any condition. Dr. Shook's office does not "treat" any condition, but rather supports adaptive physiology with the goal of maximizing foundational health. This should be considered as part of our terms of use for all of our website(s), office policy, and should be considered a formal notice.
Good evening Dr Shook
I joined the challenge today!! I can’t wait
Hey there!
Love learning about this!
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately. My husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, my iron is 550 and CRP 3.7, low B and D. I need help!!
Sorry to hear that about your husband Sharla.
I have a close relative with This. They are in Scottsdale, Arizona receiving treatment. Well known for this type.
Envita Medical Center
What’s the most accurate way to test cortisol? Blood or saliva?
Excess Cortisol can also cause Cushings.
Yes but cant mast cell hurt your blood vessels and thyroid get bad enough to cause serious issue then it’s to late
Hello doc
Had my recent labs read by someone esle my dr failed to tell me lots if stuff
Hi doc
So if your testosterone and progesterone are somewhat low with estrogen somewhat dominant, but LH and FSH are not high, what are the possible underlying causes?
Wow, 7000
It feels like there are so many moving pieces… it’s overwhelming.
What if you can’t take hormones because of breast cancer he makes it hard to feel better
Does high protein in my liver mean its a fatty liver
Ha ha ha – this makes so much sense – thank you so much. I’m a litigator. I eat stress for breakfast.
Thanks again! So helpful!
How do you overcome pregnenelone steal?
Does the Multi-Tissue antibody test assess autoimmunity against the ovaries?
High inflammation low cortisol blood sugars low
Excellent information.
Yes, Think that happens to my husband yrs ago when trying to get pregnant
How do you feel about progesterone with wild yam after hysterectomy?
How do you feel about bio identical hormones?
My doc has me on bio identical hormone creams
I’ve thought about taking hormones since menopause but was just unsure.
Once LH and FSH is high, is there a possibility for it to decrease again or is it always permanent?
How do I get the sound?
I like academic, thank you and good night!
Im scared to get on thyroid meds without all the tests even on my gallbladder pancreas and liver
And my iron levels
I feel that way im just existing right now
I agree!
I have concerns of my daughter and her Thyroid issues
Blue Zones
G night dr shook
Thank you for your info
I was miserable and going down hill fast. I’m so thankful for bio-identical hormones and NDT.
My hormones are a mess! I want my hormones tested by my gynecologist but the jerk order testing if it isn’t deemed medically necessary.
Sounds great I’m moving to Italy!
I need to make an appointment with you. My hormones are a mess…
I get horrible migraines when it’s time for my cycle.
Thank you so much for all the helpful info.!
Night Doc! Rest well!
Hormones fluctuate all day, everyday so how do you test them?
Hi , Dr Shook
Low cortisol