All rights reserved Brad Shook, DC, DAAMLP, CSCS 2019
All information contained on this site are informational only, and not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, supplemental or changes to your medications. The word "treat," and "treatment" may be used on this site, and does not represent a medical approach to "treating" any condition. Dr. Shook's office does not "treat" any condition, but rather supports adaptive physiology with the goal of maximizing foundational health. This should be considered as part of our terms of use for all of our website(s), office policy, and should be considered a formal notice.
hi Dr. Shook!
Good morning
I have just come to this same place with my gym time. Easier but more consistent workout sessions. Interesting to apply to my health as well.
Thankyou! Important message
Yes!!! The lack of joy!! It’s what keyed me on it.
Thank you very much
Needed to hear this today. Thank you.
Learning to balance everything has been one of my greatest challenges. Focusing on taking care of myself and responding to stress better has made a significant difference in my progress.
also…my trainer reminded me that to much intensity can also up your cortisol levels which is counter productive to what we are trying to achieve when working out…I never thought about this but makes perfect sense
Good morning Dr. Brad, I met as your FB live, I was busy earlier.. Anyway, have a Good Friday & Enjoy your day…
Makes sense. I swear I thought you were talking to me when you starting talking about working too much.
This is so me. Another great topic.