All rights reserved Brad Shook, DC, DAAMLP, CSCS 2019
All information contained on this site are informational only, and not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, supplemental or changes to your medications. The word "treat," and "treatment" may be used on this site, and does not represent a medical approach to "treating" any condition. Dr. Shook's office does not "treat" any condition, but rather supports adaptive physiology with the goal of maximizing foundational health. This should be considered as part of our terms of use for all of our website(s), office policy, and should be considered a formal notice.
We getting those storms too
I was diagnosed a year after childbirth
Healthy as a horse all my life then bam! Been gradually getting worse every since
Just had my gallbladder removed last year
Mind body connection?
My problems started when I was pregnant with my second child. Everything that you are saying happened, except gallbladder issues. Is this always the case?
Oh my goodness. This is my story to a T! I need to look into this.
My story exactly!
Where does psoriasis play in this?
Would it show low excretion on a HIDA scan?
I have hashi’s, how will I know if my gallbladder is bad?
Aloha Dr.. Brad, I am watching you on my lunch break
All of my hormones are a mess
My thyroid went haywire after having my daughter.. eventually led to thyroidectomy due to nodules throughout.
My protein in liver stayed high for 2 yrs since looking at labs and now liver enzymes back down but muscle wasting
So where do you suggest we begin to help ourselves
I never had kids and they found the goiter at 35, down hill since taking the meds
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 22yrs ago
Now I have all kinds of hormonal problems
I have Hashimotos…seemed to get worse during chiropractic school..just graduated in dec. What do you recommend as a T3 Rx? I’m allergic to iodine as well.
Thank you for taking you busy night to helps the people..
Why do you think this is so epidemic for women during these normal fluctuations of hormones like puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
The more you teach, the more I question about my surgical past. It slightly upsets me.
Its 10 pm , , it’s your bedtime
Have all of this plus , just diagnosed type 2 diabetic and fatty liver
I was 16. My hair thinned skin was dry.
I have had Hoshimoto’s for 9 years and I feel like I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride for 9 years. My TSH will range from 0.62 to 5.4 etc and rarely stabilizes between 1.0 – 3.0. When it started I felt a click inside my body, then I began to lose weight like crazy (I have fought weight all of my life). No matter what I ate or how much, the weight loss wouldn’t stop. I remained thin (very unusual for me) for 10 years. When this flip happened, my blood pressure soared and when this happened I thought I was going to die. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid. My TSH continued to bounce and my Doctor said I was still within normal range, whether low or high end, the mood swings were awful, freezing all the time, etc. Then in 2015 I retired and the click was felt again in my body, but this time I gained weight like wild fire and couldn’t stop it until 40 pounds had found me. I now have an Endocrinologist who has diagnosed me with Hoshimoto’s and he has changed my meds, but I’m still bouncing and the symptoms still come and go. I can’t lose weight no matter what I do. This disease drives me crazy!!!!
Sorry to hear Cuz! I didn’t know. That sucks. Hang in there!
Thanks Cuz, it’s just very frustrating! I’m fortunate though because there are many who are dealing with diseases that are many times worse. Thanks again!
That’s a good attitude. I feel the same way with Afib. Accentuate the positive!
Gallbladder issues w calcified stone inside low magnesium ..I had this no one discusses oxalate s foods
So with Hashimoto’s and no gallbladder…is there a specific enzyme or supplement I should be taking?
It’s very complicated, no thyroid, pre menopause, can’t take hormones due to blood clotting ughhh
I go for my cortisol stimulation test in 2 weeks. I’m so curious to find out results. After all these years of hypothyroidism and now Hashimoto. Hopefully I’ll get more answers. So grateful for your videos and knowledge. It really helps.
Haven’t had a period in 5-6 yrs except for the little while I took nascent iodine but I’m just beginning menopause at 47
And I can personally attest you stay true to that!
Peri Menopause, Night sweating, hot flashes, not sleeping, Hashi’s – any help?
What is the maximum amount of sugar per day without being harmful?
Hypothyroidism, gallbladder removed several years ago(had extreme inflammation) but gallbladder attacks would not stop. Now having chronic diarrhea which is causing issues. I see my gastro dr soon is there a test I should ask for to see what is going wrong in my gut? And probably fully into menopause now
Thank you I guess I just have so many things going on that I get confused on where to start
Gallbladder used to bother me alot. Diet helped me so much.
Thank you .. good nite.
The Transformation Challenge will show you the diet, lifestyle, and supplementation I recommend. If you are interested, you can learn more here
Sonja Ludik Nadia Ludik Jankielsohn
Thi could be me happened in this order, I’m in the UK and the won’t refer me or test for anything, refuse the hashis theory,
Thank you!
During my second pregnancy, age 24, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism..was induced because of all the weight I was losing while pregnant. Took neumercazole and sorted.. 2 years later I’m hypo.. 5 years later I have hashimoto’s and 2012 had my gallbladder removed because doc didnt know what was wrong with me. I now know I had leaky gut and was in a bad state .. was given antacids.. then 2017 diagnosed as celiac.. current state suffer from insomnia, taking zopiclone. Have changed lifestyle, I.e. cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, alcohol etc and feeling better but antibodies still high
yes so many similarities, childbirth, gallbladder removed, hashimotos……….
Hello Dr Shook !
We got a lot of thunder and lightning here in Hickory .
I have chronic pancreatitus .no and out of hospital
What is the cause for the spike in this epidemic?
Hey Doc
I’m feeling some type of way I’m not a top fan anymore?
Wow how many things in common is
I am SO glad that I found You! I wish I found your videos decades ago. Thank you so much for your knowledge and sharing!
I wish we could have more Doctors as you are.
I am ready for all your strategies
Yes Big Hope here!
Even if you still have your gallbladder but maybe it’s not functioning could it cause oily yellow stools still? Or low lipase?
I have hashimotos. I have pain on my left side mostly but sometimes on my right. When I have pain it does go to my back and neck but mostly on my left side. I had a right sided attack recently though. I have all the sympyoms of chronic pancreatitis or gallbladder. CT and ultrasound came back normal.